Fundación Navarro Rubio Esbozo biográfico de Mariano
Innovation   Digitization

Esbozo biográfico de Mariano

In the last edition of the ITB, a roundtable was held to find out if the hotel industry was prepared to welcome digitization and its innovations in automation, the internet of things and artificial intelligence.

2 min
Fundación Navarro Rubio La dedicatoria de Mariano en Camino
Guest Experience   Artificial Intelligence

La dedicatoria de Mariano en Camino

Hotel technology experts have pointed to the new trends that US hoteliers should take into account, including those that enhance the customer's experience from reservation to check-out, artificial intelligence and mobile technology.

2 min
Fundación Navarro Rubio Mariano y su papel en Acción Católica
Innovation   Entrepeneurship

Mariano y su papel en Acción Católica

Les Roches offers a roadmap for firms, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs looking to start or reinvent their business. Among others we find smartphones, collaborative economy and the role of technology in creating experiences

2 min